


Creating your Luxchat account using LuxID

When creating your Luxchat account you are redirected to the LuxID portal, which will request the necessary information to create your LuxID account* which is verified by an SMS (“OTP”) sent to your mobile number.

* or verify your existing LuxID account.

A solution exists for cross border commuters who have no luxembourgish mobile number. Please contact info-luxchat(at)lu-cix(dot)lu.


Logging in to Luxchat

When connecting to your Luxchat account you are redirected to the LuxID portal which is used to identify you.


No mobile number in the Luxchat App

Your mobile number is only used to verify your LuxID account. Your mobile number is never transmitted from LuxID to Luxchat. The Luxchat App itself does not use your mobile number.


Choosing your Luxchat service provider

Luxchat is a single national App but you can select your Luxchat provider of choice from the drop-down list in the App when registering.


LuxID to create your Luxchat account and Luxchat login

You must have a LuxID account to be able to use Luxchat.

When creating your Luxchat account, you are diverted to the LuxID portal which asks you for the information necessary to create (or verify) your LuxID account.


“Display Name” – Your name as shown in the Luxchat app

Your “Display Name” is your name as shown in the Luxchat app, and can be modified by you at any moment.


Backup password

This password is used to recover your message history if you replace your phone, or after sign-out & sign-in and is also required if you want to read your messages on a second device.

You’ll automatically be asked to set the backup password when you log in for the first time. You can also do this in “Settings” – “Security” – “Configure backup password”.



Your Luxchat-ID is your unique identifier in Luxchat. It is composed as follows: (for example:

You can find your Luxchat-ID:

  • either by accepting the invitation to the “Info” You will find your Luxchat-ID in this room.
    If you have refused this invitation or exited the room you can open a new one by searching for “Info” in the directory,
  • or on iPhone, Windows, macOS and browser by clicking on your profile picture at the top left on the Luxchat home interface then clicking on “User settings”,
  • or on Android by clicking on the menu icon at the top left on the Luxchat home interface.


How to find another Luxchat user: the National Directory

To find another Luxchat user:

  • click on the “Directory” button at the bottom of the screen,
  • enter the name of the person you are looking for.
    • If the person you are looking for has added their name to the Directory, their name and Luxchat-ID will appear.

It is important to note that only users who have specifically requested to be added are present in this directory.


How to register in the National Directory?

First accept the invitation by “Gestion présence Annuaire” (National Directory Management) and then type: !add


How do I withdraw from the National Directory?

Go to the “Gestion présence Annuaire” (National Directory Management) chat room and type: !remove 


How to communicate with another person?

  • Use the Start Chat menu which is displayed by clicking on the small pencil and paper symbol on iPhone or a bubble with the + symbols and a speech bubble on Android at the bottom right of your mobile.
  • Enter the user’s name. If you receive no response, the user is not in the directory.

In this case you must enter the Luxchat-ID received from the user with whom you wish to communicate.

  • Send a first message.


How to communicate with several people?

  • Use the Create room menu which is displayed by clicking on the small pencil and paper symbol on iPhone or a bubble with the + symbols and a speech bubble on Android at the bottom right of your mobile.
  • Enter the name of each user. If you receive no response, the user is not in the directory.

In this case you must enter the Luxchat-ID received from the user with whom you wish to communicate.

  • Send a first message.